Tour the No. 6 RCAF Museum

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Although this page will give you an overview of the No. 6 RCAF Museum, we sure hope you are able to visit us in person!

Finding Us

As you drive south on Port Maitland Rd. from Byng towards the Port Maitland Pier, the former Dunnville Airport will be on your right with a sign welcoming you to the No. 6 RCAF Dunnville Museum.  

While you can stop in an check out the museum at any time during our operating hours, you can also book a private tour ahead of time. 

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The Memorial Garden, Monuments & Historical Plaques

From the Airport entrance, you will see a Harvard aircraft mounted on a pedestal. The plane marks the Memorial Garden with the RCAF flag and those of the five countries who sent men to be trained here.

Turn right into the driveway and follow it to the entry to the Memorial Garden on the right. Take the time to drive in, get out and inspect the monuments.

The number 47 on the side of the Harvard denotes the number of students and instructors who lost their lives during training at the No. 6 SFTS. These men are memorialized with a monument plaque that records their name, rank, and home air force.

Granite monuments also honour those who died during training at the No. 16 SFTS in Hagersville and the No. 1 Bombing and Gunnery School in nearby Jarvis.

There are two historical plaques as well as more than 170 granite stones in memory of those who served in WW II as well as Museum members.

Ontario Trillium FundThanks to a $9,000 grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, the Museum was able to refurbish the Memorial Harvard in time for the 2013 summer season.


The Museum

Return to your car and drive to  Hangar 1, on the left as you drove in. 

The entrance to the Museum is down the side of the hangar to the left by the 'Museum Open Today' sign.  

Park in the small parking lot across from the Museum entrance

The Visitor Register is directly opposite the Museum door.  Please sign it when you visit in person.  The Welcome desk and merchandise will be on your right.  

Among the items on the wall behind the Visitor Register are aerial views of the No. 6 SFTS, and the original drawings used by Timbro Construction to turn farmland into a working training base in only a few months in the summer and fall of 1940.    

Museum displays are to your right and left as you come in, so take time to look around. There is no defined route through the displays, so take your time to find those items that most capture your interest.

A Museum member will be available to give you a guided tour of the inside displays before going into the hangar through the Uniform Hall to see the vintage aircraft.  In addition to our vintage aircraft, the Museum has a wealth of photographs, pilot log books, personal histories, No. 6 SFTS course records and scrapbooks, training materials, navigation equipment, many model aircraft, and much more.  Original items from the No. 6 SFTS include the last RCAF ensign to fly over the base, a Link Trainer believed to have been used here, lockers and a desk from the fire station,  and a pair of chairs from the Guard House.  

New in 2013 is a display of WW I memorablia, and information about the Silver Dart.

We have an extensive display of uniforms in our Uniform Hall showing the changes over the years.

As you proceed through the Uniform Hall on the way to see the planes in the hangar, you will see a Link Trainer that was actually used at the No. 6 SFTS.

Our Airplanes  Other Displays  Hangar Art  

Dunnville Chamber of Commerce

A member of the Dunnville Chamber Of Commerce

Take In A Piece Of History Today

Come and visit our museum for a taste of the life of WW2 RCAF Trainees. 

Come And Visit
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