Other WW II Aircraft Heritage Sites

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Canada is home to several other WW II aircraft historic sites which we love to refer our visitors to.

  • A wealth of personal stories of graduates of the No. 6 SFTS can be found at http://www.rcafdunnville.blogspot.ca/
  • The Canadian Harvard Aircraft Association collection at the Tillsonburg Airport includes six Harvard aircraft, a Tiger Moth, and a Yale in flying condition.
  • The Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum in Mount Hope, ON has 25 aircraft in flying condition. The most famous is one of only two surviving Lancasters in the world that are still airworthy.  If you like Air Shows, check out the 45 minute video featuring the Lancaster, the last flying Mosquito, two Spitfires and two Hurricanes flying in formation www.youtube.com/embed/ceuU1UQuwVU?feature=player_detailpage
  • The Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum in Brandon, Manitoba is dedicated to the preservation of the history of the BCATP.  The Museum serves as a unique memorial to those airmen who trained and served, and especially those who died, while serving their country in the air war of 1939-1945.
  • The Tiger Boys' Aeroplane Works & Flying Museum is a “hobby out of control” overseen by partners Tom Dietrich and Bob Revell. For the past thirty-five years, The Tiger Boys have tracked down the remains of rare old airplanes in barns, fields, forests, and from the bottom of northern lakes, then rebuilt these wrecks to better-than-new condition.
  • A dedicated group of volunteers is developing flight simultation software that will allow visitors to "fly" training aircraft from all of the BCATP bases in Canada.  Check out what they have accomplished at http://www.flightontario.com/BCATP/bcatp-schools.htm
  • Veterans Affairs Canada has links to WWII memorials, including the No6 Memorial Garden: https://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/remembrance/memorials/national-inventory-canadian-memorials/details/7958

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